Building up the Body of Christ with welcoming arms, loving hearts and joyful worship.
Holy Archangels Respect Life Ministry seeks to transform our parish and community into a Culture of Life where every human being is valued and protected, from the moment of conception to natural death. We educate and inspire parishioners to understand the truth about why and how we are created in God’s image of love, especially according to the teachings found in Saint Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.
Caring Network Illinois: [email protected] 630-493-1340
Healing Ministries
Silent No More: 888-735-3448
Surrendering the Secret: [email protected]
Prayer, Advocacy and Political Action
Students for Life: 540-834-4600
Cook County Vision 2020: To join, TEXT: Pray4IL TO: 77222
40 Days for Life: 888-543-3316
Northwest Families for Life: 847-651-4877
Support for Unplanned Pregnancies