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St. Matthew Liturgical Ministries

Ways to get involved with the Sunday Liturgy.  Please see our volunteer requirements page to get started.


Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the Parish by helping to distribute Holy Communion at all weekend, Holy Day and special liturgies.


Lectors and Commentators help to break open the Word at each Mass.  As they proclaim the scriptures at each Mass, the Word of God is alive among us.

Minister of Care

Ministers of Care are adult members of St. Matthew Parish who volunteer their time and talent by visiting the sick, homebound, and those in hospitals and nursing homes, on a regular basis.  This Ministry is a fundamental part of the Catholic community that brings the Eucharist from the table of the Lord to those not able to participate in the Mass.  Further, they pray and bring the good news of the Gospel to comfort those who are struggling with various forms of illness, disease and isolation.


Ministers receive mandatory training over a 6 week period, once a week in 2 hour sessions each and are mandated by the Archdiocese of Chicago for a period of 3 years.  These volunteers are also trained in the “Protecting God’s Children” program of the Archdiocese of Chicago and must adhere to all aspects of the program to continue as a Minister of Care.  They receive continuing training at various presentations on related topics as they become available by the Archdiocese, St. Matthew Parish or surrounding parishes and Alexian Brothers Hospital.


Ushers are an extension of the Church’s welcome to all who enter the Church.  Ushers assist in seating parishioners, helping those with special needs and taking the weekly offertory collections.  Women and men of all ages including young people are invited.



Greeters provide a warm welcome to all who enter the Church.


They also assist visitors and help them to feel at home at the parish.

Altar Server

Children in 3rd grade an up are welcome to assist at Mass by being an altar server.

Prior experience is not required, training is provided.

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